Headlines has devised unique ways for parents to monitor their children’s progress beside termly academic reports. Some of these ways are the Behaviour Book and Parent Teacher Interviews. 

This is a monthly record of the child’s behaviour. It gives a detailed account of his/her academic progress, health, hygiene, courtesy, school attendance, punctuality, confidence and any other observation. A feed back column for parent creates a wonderful line of communication between the school and parents. 

A PTI is scheduled for the middle of each term. Parents spend part of the day with the child and class teachers to discuss his/her academic work and behaviour. Our philosophy is that, collaboration between the school and parents facilitates the child’s total development. 

This is held on a chosen evening during the second term (January – March). Parents, teachers and children relax and interact, eat dance, play games etc. This is a unique way for parents to socialize with staff and each other.

Who We Are

Headlines Educational Centre (HEC) established in 1996, is a prestigious Christian school currently offering the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), as a British Council accredited Centre.

We are registered with the Registrar General’s Department as a limited liability company and by the Ghana Education Service as a Grade A school.

Contact Us

Location: No 3
6th Crescent Street
Atasomanso, Kumasi-Ghana

P.O. Box KS 11174, Kumasi, Ghana

Phone/Fax: 032 2081311
Cell Phone: 233 244 463747
Email: info@headlines.edu.gh